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Saving and loading XamPivotGrid Views
Is  there any way to preserve the xamPivotGrid view information in some kind of file so it can be loaded at a later time?
I followed the example shown under but if I understood it correctly, it does not store the view information anywhere.
Will a feature like this be part of the standard methods of the xamPivotGrid? And how about the ability to export to Excel? I understand that this can be accomplished with code, but it would be much more effective if we were able to just call a method…
Fabian Zandomeni
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    Hi Fabian,

    You are correct that it does not save the views to a file, it stores them in memory which means they won't persist after the application is closed.

    It is possible to implement this behavior using the example you linked.  All the example is doing is storing a string in a list for the rows, columns, filters and measures.  The string is just the name of these so what you can do is after the pivot grid is saved, you can write the data in the lists to a stream and save that out as file.  During the load you would read in the file first and place the data into the appropriate lists then call the method that is responsible for updating the view based on those lists.
