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How to assign N-Level Hierarchical Data to Web Data Menu?


I am using WebDataMenu in my ASP . Net 4.0 applicaiton to assign Hierarchical Data to WebDataMenu. Using the samples given on Infragistic web sites I am able to load 2 Level hierarchy dynamically using DataView(s) and DataRelation.

But now I have data which has N level hierarchy and I get to know that runtime so how can I bind        N-Level Hierarchical Data to Web Data Menu dynamically at run - time?

It is very urgent business case which I need to solve. Can someone please point me to a solution?

Thank you.

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  • 205
    Verified Answer

    I found the solution using self refencing WebHierarchicalDataSource. Binding a self refencing WebHierarchicalDataSource to Web Data Menu control provides me N Level of depth in menus dynamically.

