I using the ColumnLayout object to display the link information like the follow chart:
But I find the problem when I click the [Invert Selection] button:
The first click the button, all rows could select or unselect by follow code:
CustomSelection customSelection = new CustomSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < this.m_MainGrid.Rows.Count; i++) { if (!this.m_MainGrid.Rows[i].IsSelected) { customSelection.AddSelectItem(this.m_MainGrid.Rows[i]); } }
this.m_MainGrid.SelectionSettings.SelectedRows.Clear(); this.m_MainGrid.SelectionSettings.SelectedRows.AddRange(customSelection);
But when I click the [Invert Selection] button again, the problem happen:
The speed of traverse the XamGrid.Rows very slow(May be several minitues)!
I try to do not add the ColumnLayOut to the XamGrid, the problem not exist,
So I think the ColumnLayOut will be affect the speed.
I update my sample DemoTest.zip , please try it, thanks! The Infragistics version is 10.3.20103.2098
The operation step:
1 Click [Data Load] button, then data will be loaded.
2 Click [Invert Selection] button, then all row will be selected.
3 Click again [Invert Selection] button, then the page will be not responded.
This is a bug and I have created a item in our system to have it resolved. The bug number is 100636. Our developer support staff will contact you with a case so you can track this item through our system.
Thank you, I will be wait for the next release.