I am using UltraWebGrid in edit mode (version 10.3.20103.2134). I need prevent some characters from keystroke input. Now I am using client side event EditKeyDownHandler to check the keycode but I can not differentiate from the key or shift/key by keycode, For example colon or semicolon.
Need help.
Hello Hongguang,Please take a look at the following forum thread. It contains similar question -http://community.infragistics.com/forums/p/62039/314195.aspx . Please let me know if you have further questions about this issue.
It would not solve my problem. I need detect the key or shift/key to cancel the event. for example I need allow colon but not allow semicolon in a cell. how can I achieve it?
Hello Hongguang,Please take a look at the attached sample tested under IE 9 and FF 8. The sample handles key up and key down events. It has a variable which holds if the Shift is pressed but not dismissed and it also checks if the "; / :" button is pressed. Please take a note that different browsers has different Key numbers for this ButtonKey. So you need to check what is the browser version and then you cancel the event if Shift is pressed and ";/:" is pressed. Looking forward to hearing from you about your progress with the issue.
Hello Hongguang,Please let me know if you have any further questions about this issue.
Hello Nikifor,
Thank you very much. It works.