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Display Pager explicitly


I have a grid with Pager.MinimumPagesForDisplay=2

Initially, the grid has no record. So, the pager would not appear.

After that, I call invokeXmlHttpRequest from javascript to refresh the grid with records more than the Pager.PageSize value. The problem is that the Pager row (that shows the page number) doesn't appear after that.

Please advise and thanks in advance.

No Data
  • 49378
    Verified Answer

    Hi JerryPhoon,

    I have tested this scenario and as you describe the pager is not shown after the http request. This seems to be due to the design of the control.

    I would suggest that you set the MinimumPagesForDisplay property to 1. If needed you can style the paging element in order to not show the page number (which in case of no records will be one) using:

    igtbl_getElementById("UltraWebGrid1_pager").style.color = "LightGrey"

    Please note that the UltraWebGrid control is now outdated and as of .NetAdvantage 2011 Volume 2 is no longer included in our product package. I would suggest that you consider switching to the WebDataGrid/WebHieararchicalDataGrid. More information regarding these controls is available at:

    Additional samples demonstrating the features of these grids can be found at:

    Please let me know if this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Petar Ivanov
    Developer Support Engineer
    Infragistics, Inc.
