Is there a simple way to draw a PolyLine ? I am trying to do this within these event handlers but it doesn't work:
private void xamMap_MapMouseMove(object sender, MapMouseEventArgs e)
private void xamMap_PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Programatically it works. I mean that the PolyLine object is filling with the new coordinates and then I close it to become a Polygon, but I can't see it visually
I have a very important question:
I managed to draw polyline on a new layer, but if I have other layers with polygons (from a database) they are hiding my drawLayer so I don't see what I am drawing. Can I put the drawLayer to be on the top so I can see what I am drawing ?
I am using the trial version and I want to be sure that Your product is good enough. With two words my purchase is depending on this answer.
Hi VipSoftware,
The overlapping of the layers is controlled by the order they are defined in - the last layer defined in xaml is the top most one visible on the map.
Best Regards,Milana Zhileva