I'm testing with xamMap with data source as openstreet:
<ig:XamMap Grid.Column="0" x:Name="xamMap" WindowAnimationMode="None" IsAutoWorldRect="True" ViewportBackground="#FFB4CFCF"
WindowZoomMaximum="30" MapProjectionType="SphericalMercator" Loaded="theMap_Loaded" DataContext="{Binding}" WindowZoomMinimum="0" MouseRightButtonDown="xamMap_MouseRightButtonDown">
<!-- TODO: Add Map Layer -->
<ig:OpenStreetMapTileSource x:Name="openStreetsTileSource" />
<ig:MapLayer x:Name="mappointLayer" >
<ig:MapNavigationPane HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="285,0,0,0" Name="mapNavigationPane1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="103" VerticalContentAlignment="Top" HorizontalContentAlignment="Right" />
Everything run fine in debug mode but has a problem when I build with release configuration and host into localhost IIS for testing. xamMap display with blank has no map.
Please help me if I have any wrong or lacking something.
Hi Han,
Please take a look at the following posts:,
Ivan Kotev
Thanks Ivan Kotev.
But for my case I didn't use shape file I used OpenStreetMap. I aslo configured IIS for MIME Types as your suggested but couldn't resolve my problem.
The issue might be caused by URL access restrictions in Silverlight, Please take a look at and
Try to show a sample image from the OpenStreetMap server, e.g.:
<Image Source="" />.
Please let me know if thay works for you.
Thanks for your guide. I found my problem is cross-scheme access issue. I host with SSL but xamMap access to Openstreet with Http protocol.
Has any way to keep SLL and can run xamMap also? Our customer required us must be hosted with SLL.
Thanks for your support.
Please take a look at the solution Graham 's provided here: