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xamWebChart Axis Label Tooltips


I have a couple of issues with the Axis labels where the label text is long. The chart axis will extend to the length of the longest label by measuring the text length and setting the surrounding panels height/width accordingly. I would like to limit the size of the axis so when presented in say a small dashboard pane the axis does not take up all the available space.

I have tried a couple of things, bit not found the perfect solution as yet.

1) If I truncate the label values prior to data binding this works fine and the labels are truncated, but I have no way of showing the full label name as a tooltip.

2) If I pass through the full label name and then use a custom textblock control to truncate the label text whilst displaying the full name as a tooltip, the chart still renders the panel at the width of the longest label, even though the controls within the panel are now smaller due to the text truncation.

Any ideas or suggestions on how I can combine these two approaches to give me truncated axis labels with full tooltips would be much appreciated.



  • 335



    Can you try setting the XamWebChart width/height? This should limit the size of the chart and not let it spread in all of the available area. Also the WebChart should truncate your long labels and at the same time - let you use the full labels as tooltips.




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