Hello,I am getting this error when I load the calendar on a MAC. local time-zone cannot be ascertained. Set ListScheduleDataConnector.TimeZoneProvidor.LocalTimeZoneID to a valid time zoneid.THis works fine on all Windows machines. Do you have a sample of how to set the local time zone on a Mac?Thanks,Bill
Hi Bill,
This reason you are seeing the problem is that the timezone daylight savings time conversion rules on the MAC don't exactly match any of the timezone info we cached in our SL assembly. Unfortunately in SL there is no good way of matching timezone info except by matching the DST rules.
There is a sample of how to put up a dialog to let the user select a time zone here:
So do they need to set the time zone everytime they load the screen or can that value be saved and used again?
It can be saved and used again
Ok I tried this and am having trouble. It works the first time but if I add an appointment and change the time zone and then reset the time zone to what was selected in the appointment it will not allow me to change it to the new value:
listConnector.TimeZoneInfoProviderResolved.LocalTimeZoneId = appointment.StartTimeZoneId;
The next time I open an appointment it shows the old time zone. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. The connector's localTimeZoneId should identify the timezone of the system where the app is being run.
By default a new appointment will use this timezone. However, a user can change the timezone for an appointment but that should relate only to that appointment. You shouldn't set the local time zone id to an appointment's timezone.
Well I was trying to reset the time zone. I picked the wrong one and I saved that to my DB. Now everytime I go into the screen, it loads it from the DB. So, I tried to change it by selecting a different one on the appointment screen and save tht to the DB. Now no matter what I do it always picks the old value even thought I try to load a different one at start up.
This sounds like a problem with your application. Either your DB is not being updated with the new value or it is being reset somehow. Either way I don't see how our control can be causing it.