I know Firefox 5 is not yet a supported environment, but after Firefox pushed an update on me, my UltraWebMenu dropdown menus do not display (top level menu items work fine). This was (and still is) working fine in Firefox 4 and previous with the same code, and also works fine in IE 9 and lower, Chrome and Safari. The problem initially occurred using the latest 2010 v3 service release and persists after upgrading to 2011 v1. The code for my menu is below. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
<ignav:UltraWebMenu ID="AdminMenu" runat="server" FocusOnHover="False">
<SeparatorStyle CssClass="SeparatorClass"
CustomRules="background-repeat:repeat-x; " />
<DisabledStyle Font-Overline="False" Font-Strikeout="True">
<IslandStyle Cursor="Hand" CssClass="admin-menu-dropdown">
<ItemStyle Cursor="Hand" CssClass="admin-menu-item" />
<HoverItemStyle Cursor="Hand" CssClass="admin-menu-hover">
<ExpandEffects ShadowColor="" ShadowWidth="0"></ExpandEffects>
<ignav:Item Text="Admin" TargetUrl="~/Admin/AdminMenu.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Settings" TargetUrl="~/Admin/Settings.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Session Management">
<ignav:Item Text="Add Session" TargetUrl="~/Admin/AddSession.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Switch Session" TargetUrl="~/Admin/SwitchSession.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Edit Session" TargetUrl="~/Admin/EditSession.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Clear Session Data" TargetUrl="~/Admin/ClearSessionData.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Delete Session" TargetUrl="~/Admin/DeleteSession.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Send Email" TargetUrl="~/Admin/SendEmail.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Transfer to QuickBooks" TargetUrl="~/Admin/TransferQuickBooks.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="View School Statistics" TargetUrl="~/Admin/SchoolStatistics.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Daily Payments">
<ignav:Item Text="Import Data" TargetUrl="~/Admin/ImportData.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Clear School Data" TargetUrl="~/Admin/ClearSchoolData.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Help" CssClass="admin-menu-borders" TargetUrl="~/HelpMenu.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Knowledgebase" TargetFrame="_blank" TargetUrl="~/KB/search.aspx">
<ignav:Item Text="Submit Support Ticket" TargetFrame="_blank" TargetUrl="~/Main/frmNewTicket.aspx">
<ignav:Item TargetFrame="_blank" TargetUrl="~/Chat/frmClientPreChat.aspx?config=0"
Text="Live Chat" ToolTip="Available 10am - 5pm EST">
<ignav:Item Text="Logout">
<ignav:Level Index="0" />
<ignav:Level Index="1" />
<ignav:Level Index="2" />
<SubMenuImage Url="./images/ig_menuTri.gif" />
Hello droedger,
I’ve tested the sample code you sent but it seems to be working fine with the default Css Views.The problem seems to be in your custom ones.
I’m attaching the sample I’ve created. Please feel free to modify it and don’t hesitate to ask if you have further questions.
Best Regards,
Maya Kirova
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Maya,
Thanks for your response. I notice your sample code is the .Net 4 version of the UltraWebMenu, while mine is .Net 2.0. Could the use of an older .Net framework be the cause of my problem?
Hello paulmc15,
I’ve created a support ticket with number: CAS-69343-JQJPX9 regarding this issue. We’ll continue communication trough there.
latest version of ultrawebmenu gives a javascript error in Firefox 5 because there is a check in the script for Firefox4 which avoids referencing "eContrainer.runtimeStyle" and hence gives an error in version 5! is there a quick way round this, i am struggling to find the actual javascript with this code!
Have you been able to resolve your issue?
If you still have any concerns or questions I will be glad to help. If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
You shouldn’t have any troubles with .Net 2 version.
While there might be some differences and some issue may occur while using older version I don’t think this is the case.
To make sure I tested it and it worked as expected.
If you have further questions I’d be glad to answer them.