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GEOMETRYCOLLECTION Not Rendering on xamMap


I have imported the US Census Data for SQL 2008 from CodePlex into a SQL Server 2008 R2 database. The data for County, City and Zip Code works as expected when retrieved and bound using a SqlShapeReader.

The State data has an issue whereby any Geometry data stored in the form of a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION is not rendered? An example of this issue is seen with the first imported record for Alabama:

GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (LINESTRING (-87.26055908203125 33.50421142578125...

I can query this data in SQL Server Management Studio and the regions are rendered as expected.

Any ideas why the xamMap would be silently failing to render these geo-spatial elements?

See the below image for the output when working with the state data:

No Data
  • 3255
    Suggested Answer

    Hi newc1,

    SqlShapeReader supports the following geometry primitives: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString and MultiPolygon. Unfortunately GeometryCollection is currently not supported, but you could iterate over GeometryCollection's items and add them as a separate objects. Please take a look at the following code snippet:

    public static IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, string>> GetData(string connectionString, string commandText)
     var list = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();

     var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection { ConnectionString = connectionString };
     var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand
            Connection = sqlConnection,
            CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text,
            CommandText = commandText

     SqlDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader();

     var geomIndex = -1;
     var stateNameIndex = -1;
     var stateIdIndex = -1;

     while (reader.Read())
      if (geomIndex == -1)
       geomIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("geom");
       stateNameIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("StateName");
       stateIdIndex = reader.GetOrdinal("StateId");

      var geometry = GetGeometry((SqlGeometry)reader.GetValue(geomIndex));

      if (geometry.Count == 1)
       list.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "StateId", reader.GetValue(stateIdIndex).ToString() },
            { "StateName", reader.GetValue(stateNameIndex).ToString() },
            { "geom", geometry[0] }
      else if (geometry.Count > 1)
       string stateName = null;

       for (int i = 0; i < geometry.Count; i++)
        if (i == 0)
         stateName = reader.GetValue(stateNameIndex).ToString();

        list.Add(new Dictionary<string, string>
             {"StateId", i == 0 ? reader.GetValue(stateIdIndex).ToString() : ""},
             {"StateName", stateName},
             {"geom", geometry[i]}


     return list;

    private static IList<string> GetGeometry(SqlGeometry geometry)
     var geometries = new List<string>();

     if (geometry.STGeometryType().Value == "GeometryCollection")
      var numGeometries = geometry.STNumGeometries().Value;

      for (int j = 1; j <= numGeometries; j++)


     return geometries;

    Which produces the following result:

    I would recommend submitting a feature request for the GeometryCollection support here:


    Ivan Kotev
