I have a tree with several nodes. For Example node A has a child node B. In IE8, when I click plus (sign) on left of node A, then it does not display node B. Even, If I set browser to compatibility mode, when I click plus (sign) node A then it does not display node B. Like wise, it s not happening for any of the nodes. Could anybody help me regarding this? Looking forward for your reply
M Sunil Kumar
Hi, I have similar problem.
First I removed ExpandAnimation attribute. And now I can expand child nodes.
But another problem still appears.
In IE8 clicking on a node that has child elements (any place of a row containing this node) hides these child elements. This happens because of this part of Infragistics code in the node click event handler:
/*A.B. 18th March. 2010 - Fix for bug #27913 - NodeMargin is not working when collapsing the root node*/
if (ig_csom.IsIE8)
var subnodes = igtree_getElementById("M_" + eNode.id);
/*A.B. 1th April. 2010 - Fix for bug #30326 - Exception encountered says 'Object required' while clicking on any child node of Tree.*/
if (subnodes != null)
if (subnodes.clientHeight == 0)
subnodes.style.display = "none";
How can we solve this? Is there any workaround?
Thank in advance.
Hi all,
It has been some time since your posts, however in case you still need assistance I would be glad to help.
I tested your scenario using version 11.1.20111.2020 and am so far not able to reproduce the matter. Therefore upgrading your product version may resolve the issue.
Please note, however, that UltraWebTree is now outdated and as of version 11.2 is no longer included in the .NetAdvantage toolset. You can find a detailed list of the retired controls and their respective replacements at:
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.