It works in Internet Explorer 9
When a WebNumericEdit is disabled 'ctrl.setEnabled(false)' the control appears to be editable.
The control needs to be grayed out.
Is this a known issue with FF4?
Is there a work around?
Runtime Version: v2.0.50727
Version: 10.3.20103.2120
05.31.2011 FF4 Not Graying out disabled controls.
I added the following attribute setting in Styles.css that may solve this issue:
/* 05.27.2011 Attempt to fix Firefox issue of not graying out disabled controls */
05.20.2011 Sorry Tsvetelina for taking so long to reply.
I have an unusual situation where the controls are graying out on some of the machines.
They all are on Firefox 4.0.1 (Firefox is up to date)
This looks an environmental issue with Firefox not Infragistics.
I apologize for blaming the Infragistics controls.
Is there a Firefox setting that prevents a disabled textbox from turning gray?
Thank you.
Hello smausa,
I tried to reproduce the issue in Initialize client side event handler and btn_click.
In the both cases the contol was disabled and grayed out.
I used 10.3.20103.2120 and the latest service release 10.3.20103.2134 with the same result.
<script type="text/javascript" id="igClientScript">
function WebNumericEdit1_Initialize(oEdit, text) {
//Add code to handle your event here.
// oEdit.setEnabled(false);
function on_btnclick() {
var ctrl = igedit_getById("WebNumericEdit1");
<igtxt:WebNumericEdit ID="WebNumericEdit1" runat="server">
<ClientSideEvents Initialize="WebNumericEdit1_Initialize" />
<input type="button" value="clickme" onclick=" return on_btnclick();" />
Can you please provide us with an isolated sample reproducing the issue?
Hope hearing from you.