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UltraWebMenu/UltraWebNavigator v6.3 broken in FireFox 4


Please help.  We are a small development team and do not wish to upgrade to a new framework at this moment (we really just need a quick fix until we get caught up on other things.)

The problem is the UltraWebMenu breaks in FireFox 4 beta.  The sub-menu items do not appear, and when looking at the Error Console - this error is generated on MouseOver and MouseClick:

Error: subMenu.runtimeStyle is undefined
Line: 375

Is there ANYTHING I can do?  Please help.  Here is the Assembly info:

Assembly="Infragistics2.WebUI.UltraWebNavigator.v6.3, Version=6.3.20063.1059,

  • 345
    Suggested Answer

    I posted a reply, not sure if you got it as this is the Suggest an answer section. I've pasted it again.

    We had the issue with the v9.2 menu. Here's all you have to do. In you main JavaScript file that runs before any Infragistics JS add this:


    // FireFox 4 deprecated runtimeStyle. The Infragistics menu that we use for the top of classic view was using this.

    // This might also fix other bugs in FireFox 4 for Infragistics code that used runtimeStyle for FireFox.

    if ($.browser.mozilla && parseInt($.browser.version, 0) > 3) {

        HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("runtimeStyle", function() {

            //# this doesn't work yet (

            //# return this.ownerDocument.defaultView.getOverrideStyle(this, null);







    Thank you Dean Edwards,

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