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using conditional formatting to comare cell value with its previous value

I need to compare a cell value with its new value and accordingly change its background to green if cell new value is higher else to red if cells new value is smaller. i also want a upward/ downward arrow besides it.


can you help me with this requirement. should i use conditional formatting or valueconvertor?

how to go about it?


Parents Reply
  • 21382
    posted in reply to preeti


    Testing out your claim, I have a sample that updates the field and processes the information.   At this point, if you still can't resolve your issue, I am going to need a working test sample demonstrating what you are seeing.


    If your data object implements INotifyPropertyChanged then we can see the object's values changing (assuming the properties raised the event)


    IF you are changing the collection , then the collection should implement INotifyCollectionChanged (like observable collection).

