Hey All,
I am trying to setup the XamMaskedEditor with credentials below but it fails the datatype that I have bound to the control is decimal?(nullable deciaml type) can you please tell me what im doing wrong?
<ig:XamMaskedEditor Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="1"
PromptChar="0" DisplayMode="IncludeBoth"
Text="{Binding Path=MarketValueAmount, Mode=TwoWay,StringFormat='{}{0:C}'}"
Style="{StaticResource StandardTextbox}" Margin="5,0,0,0" />
Hi MrJRema,
You can resolve your problem by using <ig:XamNumricEditor> and Mask="{}{double:12.2}"
<ig:XamNumricEditor Grid.Row="6" Grid.Column="1" PromptChar="0" DisplayMode="IncludeBoth" ValidationMode="LostFocus" Mask="{}{double:12.2}" Text="{Binding Path=MarketValueAmount, Mode=TwoWay,StringFormat='{}{0:C}'}" Style="{StaticResource StandardTextbox}" Margin="5,0,0,0" />
Regards,Tania Vladimirova
I really appreciate your help the above solution worked, but my bound data isn't displaying in the control and it has a value. Once again the value in MarketValueAmount which is bound to the grid is (decimal?). The data dispplays formatted in a plain textbox when I test it with another control.
="5,0,0,0" />