We have a scenario where we will have to execute stored procedures and display the data on xamgrid. Some of the stored procedure return upto 50K records and therefore we would like to display them using virtual collection. However, we also have a scenario where the output of the stored procedures can change at times(may return new set of columns) based on the business requirement. We would not like to change the model everytime that happens hence we return a standard type of IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, object>>. Please let me know if its still feasible to use virtual collection under the given constraints.
sorry for the late response,
there is no problem using VirtualCollection as long as you use a Dictionary<string, object> as items.
From XamGrid point of view you will need to use XamGrid's String Indexers Support feature. This approach will work well if:
I have attached a sample solution outlining this approach(xamGrid part only).
I have a similar issue in my Xamgrid. But in my case Autogenerated Columns will be false and i am also using IEnumaerable<Dictionary<String, Object>> collection. But i want to know what Type of Virtual Collection should i be creating. I am using LightWeight Silverlight DataTable as given here.
Note :- As you mentioned about "String Indexers Support" feature in XamGrid Link is broken. So could you able provide alternative to that.