Is it possible to display a user control on the map coordinates, on a map? Say, for instance, I wanted to put a UserControl button on capitals of states in the US and if you clicked on the button, a page would load? Something to place a UserControl onto these coordinates...
Hi terinfire,
you can use SymbolElement to place it at specific coordinates and attach to XamMap's ElementClick.
Another approach would be to use MapLayer's ValueTemplate and set its DataTemplate to Button. You will also need to create an attached property for page address since MapElement doesn't provide one.
<igMap:XamMap x:Name="xamMap1" ElementClick="xamMap1_ElementClick"> <igMap:XamMap.Layers> <igMap:MapLayer x:Name="MapLayer" IsAutoWorldRect="True" > <igMap:MapLayer.Reader> <igMap:ShapeFileReader Uri="Shapefiles/usa/usa_st" DataMapping="Name,Caption=STATE_NAME"/> </igMap:MapLayer.Reader> </igMap:MapLayer>
<igMap:MapLayer x:Name="symbolLayer"> <igMap:MapLayer.ValueTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Button Content="Click me" Click="Button_Click" /> </DataTemplate> </igMap:MapLayer.ValueTemplate> </igMap:MapLayer>
In code behind:
1. Create an attached dependency property to hold page's uri
#region PageAddress
public Uri PageAddress{ get { return (Uri)GetValue(PageAddressProperty); } set { SetValue(PageAddressProperty, value); }}
public static readonly DependencyProperty PageAddressProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("PageAddress", typeof(Uri), typeof(ButtonSymbol), new PropertyMetadata(null));
2. Add the button that will open a new page on click. The button is added at specific coordinates. Also set the page address.
var element = xamMap1.Layers[0].Elements.FindElement("Name", "Montana").ElementAt(0);
var origin = new Point(element.WorldRect.X + 0.5 * element.WorldRect.Width, element.WorldRect.Y + 0.5 * element.WorldRect.Height);var symbolElement = new SymbolElement { SymbolOrigin = origin, SymbolType = MapSymbolType.None, SymbolSize = 10 };
symbolElement.SetValue(PageAddressProperty, new Uri(""));
Rect worldRect = xamMap1.Layers[1].WorldRect;worldRect.Union(symbolElement.WorldRect);xamMap1.Layers[1].WorldRect = worldRect;
3. Handle the button click event
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){ var button = (Button) sender; var element = (SymbolElement) (button.DataContext); var uri = (Uri)(element).GetValue(PageAddressProperty);
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(uri); }
Ivan Kotev
This is nice, but is there any way to actually host a UserControl itself? I was only trying to give an example of what I *might* need. Rather, I need to know if there's a way to directly inject/project user controls at specific points. There's a lot of visualization-type elements that I'll need at certain locations on a map (could be buttons, images, meters, etc).