I have been trying to put XamComboEditor Control inside XamRibbon. Is this something can be achieved or not? I placed Combobox inside ribbon successfully but not the XamComboEditor. I am getting some error saying Property 'Template' was not found in type 'XamComboEditor Tool'
I could not attach whole silverlight project so I included the necessary files to look into. PLease help!!
I looked at the files you attached. From what I've seen, you need to change the target type of both the Style and the ControlTemplate in your App.xaml to "local:XamComboEditorToolControl" instead of "local:XamComboEditorTool".
Hope that helps,
Thanks for the reply. I got the combo editor showing up in my xaml page. But the problem now I have is binding data to comboeditor.
I am calling LoadCombo in Usercontrol_loaded method like this
Ribbon.Loaded +=
new RoutedEventHandler(LoadCombo);
public void LoadCombo(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){
marketsQuery.BeginExecute(GridDataLoadCompleted, marketsQuery);
_marketAlerts =
new ObservableCollection<MarketDataClass>();
cbt.DisplayMemberPath =
Ribbon.DataContext = _marketAlerts;
The cbt control at runtime has Itemsource values. But not showing up on UI. Please help soon. It has been three days I am working on this xameditorcontrol inside ribbon.