I am using a month view. How can I tell when the highlighted / selected day has changed? DayHeaderClick is close, but it doesn't fire when clicking on the lower part of the 'day'. And if I try to use 'SelectedTimeRangeChanged', it gives me an error 'Event handler is not valid'.
Its probably something obvious that I'm missing.
Nevermind, found solution: Delegate has to be defined in code rather than the Xaml. Works now.
The fix for this issue has been released in the latest service release. This can downloaded from the Infragistics website under the My IG -> Keys & Downloads section.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns about this matter.
Thanks for reporting the issue. I was able to reproduce the issue and it appears to be a bug in the VS designer. Basically it can't handle an event where the args is a generic type where the T is itself a generic type as is the case here. I submitted an issue for this so we can look into this. Note, in order to address this we will have to introduce a potentially breaking change that depending on how you hook the event may prevent your code from compiling until you change the code used to hook the event -.namely, if you specifically indicate the delegate to use (e.g. dv.SelectedTimeRangeChanged += new RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<DateRange?>(this.MyChangeMethod)). You may want to ensure you use the implicit means now so you won't hit a compilation issue when you upgrade to the version that contains the fix (e.g. dv.SelectedTimeRangeChanged += this.MyChangeMethod).