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IE 8 design issue for the grid

Hello All,

we are facing issues with the Ultrawebgrid, we are using  Version=10.2.20102.2101 of Infragistics.
the problem is that we are using Hierarchical Grid. when we run our application in IE 8, the grid design gets disturbed,
but to fix this issue if we add a meta tag on the screen to emulate IE 7 in IE 8 Browser which is they by which we can make our site compatible mode.

but when we use this the child grids first column which was displayed initially when meta tag is not used gets hide ,
whatever properties set to that column gets applied to immediate next column which is numeric column in the sequence.

Please find attached two screen shots along with the sample code to reproduce, if any one can tell us the work around to fix the issue it is very important,
 as the meta tag needed to add because in the IE 8 doesn't look the design good.

Thank you

IE 8 issue - missing
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