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Rows are not displayed in xamGrid

Hi guys,

I have a customized xamGrid control, that I had used in a lot of screens in my project and which displays correctly the data contained in the source. The problem is that now I met a situation in which the data is not displayed in the xamGrid. I've noticed also in debugging mode that it does not enter in the overriden method  ResolveDisplayElement(), even if the source is set correctly.

In the most of the situations, if I click on the head of a column or on the filter of a column, suddently the xamGrid is charged with the data that should have been loaded from the begining. At this moment, it enters in ResolveDisplayElement(), as I expected at the begining.

Please, tell me , what could be the problem? Why the data is loaded only when I click on column's head/filter (and this is not always working), and not in the moment of loading data? Remember that this is the first case with this behaviour and in the rest of the cases in which I had used the xamGrid it worked correctly.




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    Hi Alin, 

    I can't think of anything specifically that would cause the ResolveDisplayElement to not be called, other than the fact that the data is not being set on the grid?

    Perhaps the collection you're binding to is empty at first? If it doesn't implement INotifyCollectionChanged, then the XamGrid will never get notified that data was added, and that it should render. Which is why when you sort or filter, its automatically updated, b/c at that point your forcing it to take another look at the data. 

    At leasts thats my best guess. 

    If you can provide more information or a sample, that'd be even more helpful. 


