I have to modifiy an applcation which was developed before we got Infragistics. It means : update panel + datagrid
I want to use the WebAsyncRefreshPanel of Infragistics because it has much more features than the classic update panel of the .net framework.
My problem, I get a refresh when changing the page in my datagrid. I guess it has to work correctly with the grid of infragistics but I don't want to change this part of the application. Rebuild the grid would take too much time.
Does sy can help me on this ?
Im going to keep an eye on this thread, as I have a few grids (small totals grids) that I keep in a normal asp.net grid that i have put the grid and its datasource in my WARP Pannel, and it looks as if the WARP Pannel gets fired off, but the data in my grids doesnt change when the total does change, I refresh the browser and the total does change, its just not changing in the WARP refresh.
I do the WARP refresh in two functions of my main infragistics grid to update the 4 asp.net grids inside the warppannel, the AfterCellUpdate and AfterCellDetlete, here is my code. Someone else has had to run into this issue and have a fix for it.
s = igtbl_getCellById(cellId).Column.Key.toUpperCase()
re = /FY/
columnName = s.match(re);
re = /ATCO/
s2 = igtbl_getCellById(cellId).getValue()
re2 = /RT/
re3 = /AVAIL/
re4 = /READY/
re5 =/J/
s2 = s2.toUpperCase()
cellValue = s2.match(reAll)
} else {
// set deleting to true so when deleting
// multiple rows confirm is shown only once