Infragistics Ribbon buttons (latest version 10.2) (see below for details), when used in a Silverlight 4 application with Silverlight dialogs (i.e., ChildWindow) keep on highlighted (i.e., appear in focus) after being clicked, and after some use the application freezes.
I made a small Silverlight 4 example to reproduce the problem with Infragistics buttons on the ribbon. The problem exists in buttons in XamRIbbon (e.g., ig:XamRibbonGroup , ig:ButtonTool where xmlns:ig="" ).
The same problem is observed in XAMOutlookbar (e.g., ig:OutlookBarGroup).
To reproduce:
1. Run the Silverlight4 application TestInfragisticsIssue.
2. Click on each of the five buttons named Task#.
3. Each click opens a dialog. Click on the OK button to close it.
OBSERVE 1: The buttons will stay highlighted (focused) even after the corresponding dialogs are closed.
OBSERVE 2: If you are patient enough and play by clicking and switching the application freezes. It may take 20-25 clicks for that. However, in our application we freeze after 4-6 clicks.
I can't attach the sample project because the file is too large but I can email it to you.
The freezing issue can be fixed by setting DialogResult = true or false on the ChildWindows instead of calling the Close() method.
There is still a minor issue with the ribbon buttons staying highlighted but that is very minor compared to this freezing problem.
would there be a workaround or a fixing issue to that highlighted buttontool problem ?
How can I change the button state manually ?
So I'm having related behavior in 10.3 Preview. ChildWindow comes up, goes down and all the buttons are disabled.
They are still getting focus, because the regions are showing focus highights, however, all the tools on the ribbon are disabled.
From the prior thread, I tried setting DialogResult and Close() both and both had the same effect.
The issue should be fixed in the Release version of the forthcomming 10.3 as well as in the next Service Release for 10.1 and 10.2.
Hi Mike,
from where did you get the 10.3 Preview? is it available in My Infragistics?
Mike Kenyon said: So I'm having related behavior in 10.3 Preview. ChildWindow comes up, goes down and all the buttons are disabled. They are still getting focus, because the regions are showing focus highights, however, all the tools on the ribbon are disabled. From the prior thread, I tried setting DialogResult and Close() both and both had the same effect.