Is it possible to create each layer with its own Y axis so that each layer has its own range but not display the axis? If I set visibility of the axis to collapsed then the layers do not get drawn.
Do you mean the labels, the gridlines or both? It should be possible to render the series with invisible axis labels and grid lines in the RTM version of the chart. Earlier versions did not support this.
All of it. No labels, gridlines or the axis on the left or right.
Do you know if I can get a copy of the patest bits for this prototype? I am doing a pretty functional proof of concept and need to determine which company's silverlight package to buy.
You can send email to and they may be able to help with your evaluation.
Also, have you tried modifying the axis properties to make the grid lines and labels render transparently? I'm not sure if this will work appropriately in that version of the control, but it may be worth a try.
I havent tried rendering the Y axes transparently as having more then one still takes up space and pushes the chart over even if I get it to be a transparent color, right?
Along these lines I cannot seem to even get the marker tooltips to be displayed. Pretty much everything is being added programatically so what I pass to the chart area is a Queue<GaugeReadings>. I am uncertain what to set the MarkerToolTipFormat to inorder to display the value. Here is the GaugeReading structure:
public class GuageReading{ public DateTime Time { get; set; } public double? Value { get; set; } public string Units { get; set; }}
I set it up this way:layer.ValueMapping = "Value";layer.MarkerToolTipVisibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;layer.MarkerToolTipTemplate = Resources["MarkerToolTipTemplate"] as DataTemplate;layer.MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle;layer.MarkerToolTipFormat = "{}{Value:G}";layer.ToolTipTemplate = Resources["ToolTipTemplate"] as DataTemplate;layer.ToolTipFormat = "{Layer.Title}";
Can you see a problem with my marker tool tip format? How do I get it to display the marker Y value?
There may be a way to reduce the width of those axis label panels to 0 or near zero, I'll have to check that version of the chart to make sure. The way they are structured has changed since the CTP.
You shouldn't need {} when you are setting the property programattically. {} is required when you set the property from Xaml to let the Xaml parse know that your attribute that starts with a { is NOT a markup extension. Those characters are not passed along to the actual property. So try:
layer.MarkerToolTipFormat = "{Value:G}";
Can you shoot myself ( or Devin ( and email and we can get you some pre-release bits on the chart that might be able to help you.
I tried setting the MarkerToolTipFormat to "{Value:G}" but nothing gets displayed. However if I change it to "Value = blah" the string does get displyed. Using this code for the tooltipformat seems to work fine: layer.ToolTipFormat = "{Layer.Title}"; but using the {} to reference anything in my GaugeReading object (using {Layer.Title} works fine) seems to prevent anything from the MarkerToolTipFormat from displaying. Am I not referening the object correctly?