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Memory leak when using RestrictInContainer

I've noticed a memory leak when I add "RestrictInContainer = true" to my XamWebDialogWindows. Disabled, everything gets garbage collected as it should; enabled, though, the control appears to remain subscribed to some SizeChanged events:

0:022> !gcroot 07726064
Note: Roots found on stacks may be false positives. Run "!help gcroot" for
more info.
Scan Thread 4 OSTHread 17a0
Scan Thread 8 OSTHread 188c
Scan Thread 9 OSTHread 2c8
Scan Thread 10 OSTHread 17b0
DOMAIN(0CC4B488):HANDLE(Pinned):10712f8:Root:  0823d660(System.Object[])->

I tried setting RestrictInContainer to false before removing the dialog from the containing grid, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

Can you verify this memory leak?

Parents Reply
  • 155
    posted in reply to [Infragistics] Dimi Gineva

    I'm using the Silverlight 10.1 Service Release, which appears to be the latest.

    I use WinDbg to check whether an object can be garbage collected. I have attached a simple project and will walk through my steps:

    • Open the site in IE (not through the VS debugger), click to open and close a XamWebDialogWindow or two, then attach WinDbg to the iexplore process.
    • Execute ".loadby sos coreclr" to load the Silverlight SOS dll.
      • If this fails, you may have attached to the wrong iexplore process, try another one.
    • Execute "!dumpheap -type XamWebDialogWindow"
      • Unfortunately this is a substring search so we have to find the MT for Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.XamWebDialogWindow, in my case 0220789c.
    • Execute "!dumpheap -mt 0220789c". This shows you all instances of XamWebDialogWindow. Get the address of one of the instances, in my case 06d67418.
    • Execute "!gcroot 06d67418". In my case, it displays:
      • DOMAIN(04AFC010):HANDLE(Pinned):23012f8:Root:  07d24250(System.Object[])->
          06d5ca88(System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Object, mscorlib]])->
      • This shows that the window is still referenced in a few different locations and will NOT be garbage collected.


    If you set "RestrictInContainer = true", then the !gcroot looks like:

    DOMAIN(05DD9840):HANDLE(Pinned):23212f8:Root:  07d29260(System.Object[])->  06d687d8(Infragistics.Silverlight.DialogManager)->

    06d68b70(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Windows.FrameworkElement, System.Windows],[Infragistics.Silverlight.WeakList`1[[Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.XamWebDialogWindow, Infragistics.Silverlight.XamWebDialogWindow.v10.1]], Infragistics.Silverlight.v10.1]])->

    06d75608(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+Entry[[System.Windows.FrameworkElement, System.Windows],[Infragistics.Silverlight.WeakList`1[[Infragistics.Silverlight.Controls.XamWebDialogWindow, Infragistics.Silverlight.XamWebDialogWindow.v10.1]], Infragistics.Silverlight.v10.1]][])-> 







    Note the additional SizeChangedEventHandlers that are referenced. This was what caused me to open this thread, but then I noticed that even without RestrictInContainer, the XamWebDialogWindows will never be garbage collected.

    Hope this helps to clarify my findings.
