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LoadOnDemand Nodes

I was wondering if there was any way for me to detect nodes that are being loaded on demand? I noticed that there is not an "AfterDemandLoad" event that I can use to accomplish this so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. My goal is to be able to attach a custom mouse up event to the nodes that are being loaded. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


On a side note; I noticed during the development of my file explorer control that after a demand load the tag value of the nodes that were loaded are null on the client even though they are set during the demand load event on the server. Additionally, if I tried to do a demand load on any level other than the root level the "e.Node.Tag" property was nothing. As a matter of fact, the only property that I could use on those nodes was the DataPath property. I was just wondering if this is a bug or is this expected behavior?

  • 210

     Hello Hanserya,

     Did you find any solution to your problem of not being able to load on demand after the root (1st on demand load). As i am having the same issue where the e.node is giving me null for any information i stored.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you, 

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