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How do I set focus to the first row of the xamWebGrid programatically?

I have xamWebGrid binding to a list and I would like to set focus to first row when application is launched, I have tried different ways, but no luck. Microsoft datagrid has a very simple way to do it. Can someone please help. Thanks


                <igGrid:XamWebGrid x:Name="_dgEventsList" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ColumnWidth="*" Height="300" Width="500" ItemsSource="{Binding EventList}">
                        <igGrid:SelectionSettings CellClickAction="SelectRow" RowSelection="Single"></igGrid:SelectionSettings>
                        <igGrid:TextColumn Key="EventName" Width="200" HeaderText="Name"/>
                        <igGrid:TextColumn Key="EventDesc" Width="*" HeaderText="Description"/>
                        <igGrid:TextColumn Key="AppModule"  Visibility="Collapsed" HeaderText="AppModule"/>