Is that possible to fire this event when TilePane state is really has changed, i.e. when pane really maximizes, all animation completes and so on. I need to get a pane size but in MaximizedStateChanged handler a get a size of previous state.
Thank you.
Hi,Yes, it is possible to get a pane size when the animation completes.This sample shows how to do this:<igTV:XamWebTileView x:Name="tileView1" RowsInPage="3" ColumnsInPage="2"MaximizedStateChanging="tileView1_MaximizedStateChanging" ....private void tileView1_MaximizedStateChanging(object sender, TileStateChangingEventArgs e){ TilePane tile = e.Element as TilePane; if (panel == null) { panel = tile.Parent as AnimatedPanel; panel.AnimationCompleted += panel_AnimationCompleted; } if (e.NewState == TileState.Maximized) { maxIndex = tileView1.Items.IndexOf(tile); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("MaximizedStateChanged {0}", tile.ActualWidth); }}void panel_AnimationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e){ if (maxIndex >= 0) { double width = tileView1.Items[maxIndex].ActualWidth; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("AnimationCompleted {0}", width); }}Regards,Marin
Thank you very much. This works fine.