Hi, I have some Custom Functions defined for my WoorkBook. And I have provided functionality that user can export workbook and import already exported/saved file.I have following two problems:
In Infragistics.Excel, these custom functions are not recognized and show name error althopught I've registered custom functions after load. like follwoing:Workbook wb = Workbook.Load(s); wb.RegisterUserDefinedFunction(new MyUDF());
In Excel, these custom functions are not recognized and show name error althopught I've add ins for then there too. but if I just edit the function and press enter then these are recalculated.
I'm going to create a support ticket so we can reproduce the issue and see what is going wrong.
Hi Vlad, I have attachec InfragisticsExcelUDF.zip to following thread:https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity/?CaseNumber=CAS-37296-Q68GLPIt is not possible to send you actual project having lot of database dependencies so attached file contains the project demo with actual problem. here are steps to regenerate issue
1.Press all calculate buttons one by one from A1 to A3 to populate the result in workbook
2. Then export the excel file. (you can check this file in excel too).
3. now import the some exported file
4.then press "synchronize data with view" button. or you can debugger to view the values in WorkSheet object.
Please feel free to contact me in case of any concern.
ThanksImran Javed Zia