when i set up the client side EditKeyDownHandler for the ultrawebgrid and i use the WebDateChooser or WebNumericEdit as the editor controls (columntype.custom) and use the tab key to leave those controls the event isn't called. However it is called when i used the dropdownlist (columntype.dropdownlist).
In the end i know i can use the editkeydown events for those custom controls but i need to know what the active cell is...
any thoughts
You can use the CSOM (client side object model ) of the UltraWebGrid component to get the active cell for example:
var grid = igtbl_getGridById('<%=UltraWebGrid1.ClientID %>');
var activeCell = grid.getActiveCell();
As a reference for the CSOM you can take a look at this link:
Cool that works... now how do i determine if the shift key is being held down for any of the client side Keydown functions?