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Can't use XamWebNumericEditor and XamWebMaskedEditor


I have a problem with the XamWebNumericEditor and XamWebMaskedEditor. If I put one of these controls on my view and run the application, it crashes with the following error:

AG_E_PARSER_BAD_TYPE [Line: 450 Position: 117]

(see attached screenshot).

The code in XAML is quite simple:
<igEdit:XamWebNumericEditor Canvas.Left="682" Canvas.Top="57" Text="100" TextWrapping="NoWrap" />


<igEdit:XamWebMaskedEditor Canvas.Left="698" Canvas.Top="65" Text="100" TextWrapping="Wrap" Mask="999"/>

System information:
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 32Bit
Silverlight controls v9.2
Expression Studio 3 SP1
Language: German

Any ideas what the problem could be?
