We have a solution where we need be able to only tab between editable cells in a grid. The default behavior of the tab is to select the next cell in the grid. Is there any way to override this, so that clicking tab the grid will select the next editable cell in the grid?
Has this been any development on this front?
Nothing has been added for this. We put out a request for more information on what the exact use case is that would be liked to be achieved, but we haven't gotten anything back.
Could you provide us your scenario?
Here's a concrete example where it would be quite useful :
I use a XamGrid to display financial data (revenues and expenses). The grid has three columns : "description", "current_year", "next_year". The first column is a TemplateColumn and displays a predefined description ("rent", "taxes", etc) using a TextBlock, but there are cases where there is also a TextBox (eg : "Other. Please specify : [TextBox here]). The two other columns contain a XamNumericEditor to enter amounts.
In that case, I would like the TAB key to browse only through cells where you can actually type something, thus only cells of the 2nd and 3rd column and cells of the 1st column if it is a "Other. Please specify : " case.
It would be useful if we could trap the TAB event and allow to specify that we want to skip to the next cell.
I'm also in need of this feature. I have pretty similar use case with micheltetreault. Some cells are disabled in my use case and I would like the tab navigation to skip those cells as well.
I'm using a Style to disable the cells and I tried to set the IsTabStopProperty to false in the same style but that didn't work. My Style is typeof(CellControl).
So there's just no way to achieve this type of functionality? Maybe you could turn this into a feature request so it is at least considered for the future versions?