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WebMenu giving problem when used in UserControl

I am using WebMenu as a contextmenu for ultrawebgrid cells. The contextmenu works fine if I place the webgrid and webmenu directly in the page. The problem starts when I am trying to create a usercontrol using webgrid and webmenu, contextmenuclick(right click on grid cell) gives me an error saying "Popup name not valid".

The code for showing the contextmenu is

igmenu_showMenu("<%=this.MROContextMenu.ClientID %>",null,0,0);

Can somebody point what I am missing!!


Parents Reply
  • 19308
    posted in reply to sairam

    Take a look at the Excel Copy & Paste sample in the samples browser.  I spent a good day banging my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get a context menu positioned correctly cross browser, so I definitely feel your pain.  As much as I understand why firefox doesn't have a global "event" object, it sure makes things hard :)  The key is to pass the "event" parameter into the function as a parmeter.  Firefox will always use the first parameter in an event handler as the event object. 

    Then you can calculate the position using the event object.  A warning though - calculating positions cross browser is another headache.  Lastly, you want to be sure to call igmenu_showMenu as you're doing above (menuid, null, x,y).  I remember running into an issue with quotations not being correctly placed around my ID under some odd configuration, so you'll want to do a quick views source on your HTML page to be sure that <%= ...%> is actually rendering out what you think it should. 



