I'm trying to customize the PagerCellControl to have at the bottom of the grid a message like this one:
"12 items displayed of 50 items". What properties should I bind to keep in sync when filter and change page?
Hi Jimmi,
We actually have a sample that shows exactly how to do that:
Click on the xamWebGrid Samples Icon, and scroll to page three of the grid samples.
The name of the sample is called "Pager Customization".
Hope this helps ,
Thanks for your fast reply Steve.
I checked the sample that you pointed out and I did a lot of progress. I still don't know where should I get the number of rows that are displayed in the xamWebGrid - for example after I filter my collection and the grid shows only 3 items.
Thank you.
Yes this fix went into 10.1 as well.
Is the fix available in Version 10.1? I would like to display "12 items displayed of 50 items" on Pager control?
I apologize, i misread your request.
We actually never thought of offering that information, and although it is possible to get the Count, it won't update for Filtering or different pages. However, i was able to adjust it, so that it will update, and this will be in the first Service Release.
Once, the fix is avaliable, you'll be able to put the following xaml in the ControlTemplate of the PagerCellControl, to get the current amount of rows on a given page:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Cell.Row.Manager.Rows.Count, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}}"/>
Hope this helps.