After spending sometime trying to find help for the UltraWebGrid I discovered that it is really called WebGrid.....that should have been a sign.
I am shocked that I can find no sample or help on how to bind a generic List<> to the UltraWebGrid/WebGrid. I want to simply add DataBound codebehind entries in ASPX to define my columns and then bind a List<> to it at runtime, an extremely easy feat in other grids. I can find no help in help or samples on using ASPX markup to do this. The wixards won't let me do anything without giving them a design time source of some sort.
Is there a help file I'm missing? Does Infragistics only expect drag and drop users to use their grids?
You can set the data source of the WebGrid via code to any IEnumerable (Collection).
IList myList = GetListDataSource();this._grid.DataSource = myList;this._grid.DataBind();
Here are a couple of samples - Note: Some of these uses datasets/data tables (You can bind your list the same way these bind to the ADO.NET classes).
It's amazing that it's that easy but I don't want all of the fields of the objects in my IEnumerable to be threw up in the grid. I want to set the bound fields in markup just like I do for other grids...i.e. MS grid uses this syntax
<Columns> <asp:BoundField ReadOnly="True" HeaderText="ID" InsertVisible="False" DataField="ProductID" SortExpression="ProductID"> <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center"></ItemStyle> </asp:BoundField>
The Infrangistics UltraWebGrid has no concept of a BoundField that I can see from the help file or samples. How are we supposed to only display what we want out of a datasource? Where can I find help/documentation/samples on using the markup?