Say I have a column called CategoryId that contains a numeric value and I want to display a text representation of that value in each cell plus allow the user to edit the value by using a ComboBox editor.
In the asp.net/windows forms grid i could do this by use of a ValueList or ComboBox, setting the datasource of the ComboBox and setting the displaymember and valuemember properties. How can i do this with the xamWebGrid?
Thanks again.
We have an example of exactly how to do this using the TempalteColumn in our samples: http://samples.infragistics.com/silverlight/
xamWebGrid > Data Binding and Interaction > Cell Editor Templates
The basic XAML looks like this:
<igGrid:TemplateColumn Key="Category" Width="120" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"> <igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <TextBlock x:Name="CategoryDisplay" Text="{Binding Category}" /> </DataTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn.ItemTemplate> <igGrid:TemplateColumn.EditorTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ComboBox x:Name="CategoryEditList" ItemsSource="{StaticResource categoryProvider}" SelectedItem="{Binding Category, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource categoryConverter}, ConverterParameter={StaticResource categoryProvider}}" DisplayMemberPath="Value" /> </DataTemplate> </igGrid:TemplateColumn.EditorTemplate></igGrid:TemplateColumn>
Thanks for that example. I didn't notice you could scroll to the right for even more samples !
I have followed the example and it is not quite the same as my situation. The sample has a category column that displays category names from the itemsource and the combobox is also populated with category names. What I have is a categoryId column with the numeric Id of the category. The itemsource of the combobox is a list of categories with ID and Name properties. I want the grids categoryId column to display the category.name resolved from combobox editor using the id's. This is achievable with asp.net grid and win forms grid.
Can this be done?