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UltraWebGrid column width changed with IE8

We are using Infragistics 9.1 version 2055 (latest) and MS Framework 3.5.  Today I updated to IE8 and am getting some differences in appearance.  These differences go away when compatibility view is turned on.

  1. The column width does not fill up the grid in IE8 like it did in IE7.  We are using the following in code to set the width.  col.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(285)
  2. The row selector arrow has less space so the point is cut off.  We have this is the skin as RowSelectorStyleDefault-Width = "18px" 
  3. The columns that are defined as type DropDownList do not appear directly in the column when selected.  They are a bit higher and to the left and more narrow.
  4. Sometimes I click on a column in the grid and it gets more narrow.


    We hide grid columns for some customers.  One of these columns is a type DropDownList.  The customer that has this column hidden has one empty DropDownList displayed over the first row of the grid, when you first view the page.  After clicking on the grid it disappears.

There are more that I keep finding.  We were hoping this upgrade would be seamless, not causing us a bunch more work.  Can anyone help?

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    We are experiencing the same issue.  However, we are using 9.1 build 2101.  We have tried changing the cell padding as someone suggested to no avail. 

    Any feedback would be appreciated.


