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Migrating UltraWebTree 7.3 to UltraWebTree 8.2 - drag n drop not works with 8.2

   I am having two trees which are enabled from drag n drop. The HTML markup for first tree is shown below

<ignav:UltraWebTree id="InfraTree_DR" runat="server" 
                             OnNodeDropped="Tree_NodeDroppedDR" LoadOnDemand="AutomaticSmartCallbacks" 
                                        Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" CompactRendering="False"
                                        WebTreeTarget="ClassicTree" ForeColor="Black"
                                        BorderStyle="None" Indentation="20" DefaultImage=""
                             HoverClass="" AllowDrag="True" AllowDrop="True" DataKeyOnClient="True"
                             EnableViewState="False" ><Styles>
                                            <ignav:Style Cursor="Hand" ForeColor="Black" CssClass="HiliteClass">
                                            <ignav:Style BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="Gray" BorderStyle="Solid" BackColor="Gray"
                                                <Padding Bottom="2px" Left="2px" Right="2px" Top="2px" />
                                            <ignav:Style ForeColor="White" BackColor="DarkGray">
                                                <Padding Bottom="2px" Left="2px" Right="2px" Top="2px" />
                            <Padding Top="10px" />
                            <NodeMargins Top="2px" />
                                <ignav:Level Index="0" LevelClass="Brown" />
                                <ignav:Level Index="1" LevelClass="Green" />
                            <NodePaddings Left="5px" />
                            <SelectedNodeStyle BackColor="SlateGray" CssClass="SelectClass" Cursor="Hand" ForeColor="White" />
                            <HoverNodeStyle CssClass="Hover" Cursor="Hand" />
                           <ClientSideEvents NodeClick="NodeClick" />
                            <AutoPostBackFlags NodeCollapsed="False" NodeExpanded="False" />

I am handing Tree_NodeDroppedDR event. Both the trees are having same property set.

My first tree contain hierarchical data, group ->items

And Second tree contains only Items, so one can assign or unassign items by using drag drop feature.

Before I was using 7.3 with .NET framework 2.0 and every thing was working fine.

But when I migrated to 8.2 and .NET framework 3.5 I am getting different behaviour. i.e

When I first time move item from any tree to other it works, but second time it doesnt. Third time it again works. inshort Odd times it works and even time it is not.

One more thing i observed is Consider tree A's group A1 has been expanded(it contains some ItemA1_1,ItemA1_2,...), and now I am dropping Item_B on A1 it works, but second time when I try to drop some another item on tree A, all nodes of tree are collapsed automatically, while in case of 7.3 the expanded items are always shown expanded.

Both the trees are under Script Manager's update panel. And I am binding both trees on page_load and node dropped events of both the trees.

Can any one suggest some solution , as it was working fine with .NET framework 2.0 and infragistics 7.3.


No Data
  • 1147

    One more thing I found is if I remove




    "AutomaticSmartCallbacks"  from both the trees it works. but evey time i need to expand tree. I dont want that.

    what should be the problem.?
