I have a very simple grid that users input ordering information. The last column is the product of two other columns. I also display the sum of all the products at the bottom in a footer. I also take the amount shown in the footer and display it in a textbox outside of the form. I am able to do this by using the "AfterRowInsertHandler" event. Here is the code:
function UltraWebGrid1_AfterRowInsertHandler(gridName, cellId){
var col = igtbl_getColumnById("UltraWebGrid1_rc_0_7");
document.getElementById(Subtotal).value = (col.getFooterText())
); }
This is working but only when I click in the first cell of the next row - this is a problem because the user will not always do this. What event should I use to have this javascript be invoked after the user tabs off of the row?
Thanks for your help!
The KeyDown or KeyUp events can be handled on the client side to resolve this issue. The method signature of the event handlers expects the gridName, cellId and the key number. You can determine if the key is the Tab key and invoke the javaScript.
To learn more about the CSOM of the ultraWebGrid, please visit the following link:
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help. This got me a little closer but it still requires that the user tabs to the next row and I"m afraid they won't always do that. I ended up using the "MouseOut" handler and that seems to be doing what I need it to do
Thanks again for your help with this.