I'm using and have no options to use Infragistics Vol 8.2. And testing with new IE8 and have a lot of recurring infragistics javascript error speciall on the below method.
function igtbl_getAbsBounds(elem, g, forAbsPos)
if (ig_csom.IsIE && elem.getBoundingClientRect)
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); --unspeicified error
Do you guys have any idea what should I do?
I suggest that you test your application using NetAdvantage for Web Client (ASP.NET) 2009 Volume 1. We're updating this version (and future releases) for IE 8 compatiblity.
If the issue also occursin this version, I recommend that you submit a support request so that Developer Support can investigate further.
Taz, our Product Manager for our ASP.NET controls, comments on our current action plan for IE 8 support in the following post:http://forums.infragistics.com/forums/p/24444/92514.aspx#92514
It was a big decision when our company bought Infragistics a year and half ago with a few thoundsands dollors. Now I regret that with a few reasons.
1. We sold our product to big corportaions when they upgrade their software like IE8, we are in big trobule because we can't charge for the cost of upgarding our system.
2. Infragistics 2008 Volume 2 is our last licensed copy and I believe that it's still under support life time, but Infragistics refuses its supporting to IE8. It's maybe legarlly right perfectly but I think it is morally not right.
3. OK we do it today now (with cost and time) but what if Microsoft release IE9 again in 2 years, we do the same process again to set-up the test server and upgrade our already sold products with time and cost. If we use more generic MS contorls, normally it's required minimal effort.
I do value your support teams but regarding this IE8 issues, I have a lot of troubles and time wasting process. The below comments is from one of support advice(from my support request) and we did it with cost and time spent. Then now you're saying 2008 volume not supporting IE8. What a waste two weeks our project schedule.
"I would suggest testing your issue in the above given version builds and see if you are still facing any issue. However, with NetAdvantage 2009 Vol. 1 2013, NetAdvantage 2008 Vol. 3 2068, NetAdvantage 2008 Vol. 2 2149 many of IE8.0 issues is being resolved."
Well, when I read now it didn't say it's fully & officially support IE8. It's my fault isn't it?