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WebDateChoose dynamically limiting dates


I am using infragistics 7.2.20072.61 on a website. Currently I have a criteria list that generates controls based on the selected list. When selecting a list that has a date criteria I dynamically create a webDateChooser in code. I have a javascript function that limits the dates that a user can select and changes the color of invalid ones, but I can't seem to implement it properly in code only in html.


 function WebDateChooser1_CalendarRenderDay(oCalendar, oDay, oEvent)

 var outOfRange = false;
 var min = oCalendar.MinDate;
 if(min && oDay.year <= min.getFullYear())
    if(oDay.year < min.getFullYear())
       outOfRange = true;
    else if(oDay.month <= min.getMonth() + 1)
       if(oDay.month < min.getMonth() + 1)
          outOfRange = true;
       else if( < min.getDate())
          outOfRange = true;
 var max = oCalendar.MaxDate;
 if(!outOfRange && max && oDay.year >= max.getFullYear())
     if(oDay.year > max.getFullYear())
        outOfRange = true;
     else if(oDay.month >= max.getMonth() + 1)
        if(oDay.month > max.getMonth() + 1)
            outOfRange = true;
        else if( > max.getDate())
            outOfRange = true;

oDay.element.disabled = false;

var len;
var Datenow = + '/' + oDay.month + '/' + oDay.year;
for (var i=0, len=HolidayDays.length; i<len; ++i )
     if(HolidayDays[i] == Datenow)
        oDay.element.disabled = true;

if (oDay.dow == 0 || oDay.dow == 6)
    oDay.element.disabled = true; outOfRange ? "#C0C0C0" : "Black";



   Dim DateT As New Infragistics.WebUI.WebSchedule.WebDateChooser()
                            DateT.ID = "txt" & i.ToString & strListID
                            DateT.MaxDate = GetLastBusinessDay(Today, 2)
                            DateT.MinDate = GetMinDate()
                            DateT.Value = DateT.MaxDate
                            DateT.Width = Unit.Pixel(150)
                            DateT.Attributes.Add("CalendarRenderDay", "WebDateChooser1_CalendarRenderDay();")

This doesn't work in code but if I build it in html (which isnt an option) it works :


 <igsch:WebDateChooser ID='DATE' runat='server' MinDate="2008-01-01"
                                             CalendarLayout-Culture="" OnLoad="DateChooser_Load" Editable="false" >
                                            <ClientSideEvents CalendarRenderDay="WebDateChooser1_CalendarRenderDay" />


Do I need to pass in these oCalander, oDate and oEvent arguments? if so where do I get these values?

Thanks in advance! 


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