I'm able to getText of a cell in the band[0] but I'm not able to find a way to getText of a cell in the band[1] of my ultraWebGrid.
When I'm trying to get the cell of the band zero I type:
cell = UGrid_Dispatch.Rows[i].Cells[j];
String text = cell.GetText();
but I don't see how to do the same with the band[1]...
Can someone give my a snippet of code for doing that?
Thank for your help.
You need to know where in your hierarchy exists the row you're after, including a reference to each of its parent rows - all the way up to the root row in band 0. Each row has a collection of its own child rows.
For instance, say you want to loop through all rows within bands 0 and 1 of a grid. The following JavaScript would be your basic setup:
// Assume that "grid" is a reference to your WebGrid instancevar rowCount0 = grid.Rows.length;for (var i = 0; i < rowCount0; i++){ var row0 = grid.Rows.getRow(i); // Do something with the band 0 rows here var rowCount1 = row0.ChildRowsCount; for (var j = 0; j < rowcount1; j++) { var row1 = row0.getChildRow(j): // Do something with the band 1 rows here }}
The getChildRow() method is one way of getting at the child rows of a particular parent row. It iis likely one of the "cleaner" approaches, from the perspective that it's relatively consice and easy-to-read.
But could you show me how can I make this in C#, because I don't use js?