In my ig:gridView , when row data is there the scroll bar comming properly.But when there is no data , grid does't have any scrollbar. so as result some columns are not visibles. what may be the problem.
ig:gridView id="myGrid" binding="#{bean.GR_AMA_7130}" dataSource="#{bean.grid_DataModel}" pageSize="0" sortingMode="multi" resizableColumns="true" columnHeaderStyleclass="igGridColumnHeader" style="height:190px;width:720px;" >
Please help.
I have forward your issue to our Developer Support group to have it tested and, if appropriate, filed as a bug. I notice that you have your pageSize set to zero. Why is that?
Hi Jim.
Thanks for the action. I got the confirmation for NetAdvantage Team.
I have set pageSize to zero , as i don't need any paging for grid, instade i need the scrollable feature of the grid. Am i doing any wrong to do so?
Hi Gantait:
The original design of the grid was to scroll "data only" so technically, not scolling an empty grid is proper behavior. What that means is the "scroll data" approach is built pretty deeply into the grid's code so that changing it is neither simple nor quick.As a work around, for now, may I suggest that if you detect (in the managed bean) when a grid has no rows, you can simply add a blank row and pas it to the grid? This will allow scrolling to work.
Thanks, Jim
Hi Jim,
"data only" scroll is logical in the respect of verital scroll. But if a grid has more columns , then horizontal scroll should work , other wise the rest column could't be shown. I think scrolling there is done by some java script,is it posible to do anything with that?
And the sugession u told, ya that is only onething that i can do i know that. But in grid row some functinality has been there[like data insert, context menu, opening a page with row data with click,showing message etc], so it may create some problem :(
any update please......
In the previous post i have mentioned the senario. I just need a horizontal scroll bar..can i do through any script also from my side?...
If you watch my bloc (http:/ you'll know when the hot fix is ready as I will post about it there. Also, it'll be available in the Downloads section of
This is a non-trivial change, so I cannot offer a date of completion today.
Thnx JIM,
It will be really nice..and plz give the upload then the release will be available.
with regards,
The dev team is planning to add this ability to the grid, so that column headers will scroll automaically when there is no data. The change is non-trivial so it will be a few weeks at least befor eits available.