I have created a StackedColumnChart that is populated from a domain model. The end result is that the number of series that are stacked is dynamic. I have found with a single series, the width of each column looks great. As I add stackedcolumn series, the width of each series shrinks. if i display 50 series stacked on top of each other, the stacked column is very very skinny.
You can see this behavior in the samples provided. If you simply go to the Infragistics.Samples.Silverlight.Browser.DV.Samples.Chart.StackedColumnChart.xaml, and add more series or delete series, you will see this behavior. I copied and paste 5 more series and the stacked column got skinnier and skinnier.
Any advice how i can keep the widths constant while adding/subtracting series?
Hi Dan,You should try setting up a scrollbar on the x axis. This way, you can keep increasing the scale as the number of points in the chart increases.<igChart:Axis AxisType="PrimaryX" ScrollEnabled="True" ScrollPosition="0" ScrollScale="0.5"></igChart:Axis>
Hi Max,
I think I know what Dan is referring to,
The width of the datapoints in a stacked column chart appears to be calculated as if it was a normal column chart with multiple series so there are big gaps between each column,
Stacked100Column actually behaves correctly where the columns widths are filled out to fit the available space.
I have tried using pointwidth chart parameter and that improves it to some extent but there is still too much white space between each column.
Are you able to see this behavior, and perhaps have a workaround,
thanks again, RK.
Sorry Max, I reread Dan's post and perhaps its not the same problem as mine, sorry about that, but I believe I have encountered a genuine issue.
I believe I found the bug :-) and should be receiving the prize...
I do believe Max and I are stating the same thing. Basically, I have a stacked chart that gets skinnier and skinnier which I dont think it should be.
Thanks for the support.
Yes, that appears to be a bug. I've entered it in our system and fixed it. The bug number is 16446 and the fix will be available in the next hotfix, which should come out some time towards the end of the month. I believe this is our first reported silverlight chart bug, and as much as I'd love to give you some sort of prize for finding it, I don't think I'm in any way authorized to do so :)