Hello Dear
My very basic problem is I want to get the grid properly scrolled. It would be ok if the get the grid scrolls by itself, or any parent html element that is able to scroll (containing the grid); Of course no absolut position can be written to the grid, it has to be relative.
In pseudo;
<surrounding_element style="overflow:scroll;width:100%;height:100%">
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid> <-- The grid should have its original size (whatever it size is) and do not scroll, because the div scrolls
<igtbl:UltraWebGrid Width="100%" Height="100%" Scrollbars="auto">
If i do the same stuff with "plain" html elements, it works;
<surrounding_element style="overflow:scroll;width:50%;height:50%">
<-- content that would be bigger than the surrounding element in height and width -- >
This works in firefox and IE as expected, but with a simple sample grid with 5 rows and columns, it gets screwed up
The reason i have to do this is that the container where the grid is in it, can have dynamic sizes. Because this grid is in a panel that has a splitter which can be moved by the user, or the container has relative size to have a good layout or the user just want to be able to size the IE itself in size. None of the solutions above does work properly (to large grid, overflow, double scrollbars, mixed scrollbarrs --> IE scrols in vertical and grid horizontal or vice versa.
Im using IG Webversion 7.3.20073.1043
Thanks for your help.
I have made several other suggestion on the other forum thread that you have created on this topic here:
Hope this helps.
I tried the all stuff in the thread but it did not work (it did work with absolut positons, but not with percentage).My problem relates to IE7 and I've the following header;<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
I just did a little plain html example so you can see what I want to achieve. Maybe you can copy it to an .html file and have a look at it in IE7;
<html><body><div id="outerelement" style="overflow:scroll;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:#CC9900"> <div id="innerelement" style="margin:10px;background-color:#996633;Width=2000px;Height=2000px;"> This brown div should represent the grid. The outer div is the div that scrolls. If I replace this brown div with the grid (with its full size in height and width), it get screwed up. </div></div></body></html>
Im trying this with a very basic grid (put it on the plain aspx page and added 10columns and 10 rows, at least much enough to provoce the scrollbars from the outer div)
Got may point?
@EditI accept every solution that causes IE7 to work, even if you suggest hacks (such as using tables or other elements). The only thing that would make me sad is that if I had do recalculate the size with javascript and set it to the grid.If you say It does not work with relative sizes, I would even accept this but I need to know it if works or not and how (because then I dont waste a lot of time in the case it does not work)
Same problem.
Any solution?