Hello Dear
Im facing a strange problem with "our" webgrid. The situation is as following;
The grid has about 20-30 Columns and has lets say 200 rows. (the rows arent important for the sample).The grid has its full size and the IExplorer 7 shows the scrollbars. Now;I scroll right and double click on a cell. Then I edit the value and confirm by enter or through clicking on a other place in the grid, the left side of the grid gets cut off (the whole stuff that was invisible due to the scrollbar) and I cant scroll to the left side of the grid.
Do "regenerate" I resize my whole IExplore Window in the width to get the whole grid viewed, now i can see the whole grid correctly until i re-edit a value when scrolled --> then it gets cut off again.
I tried to review the HTML which was really hard, but I think there were Band elements (the responding HTML tags) with a negative position (left=-30px).
We don't do much things on the grid at clientside via javascript and I can not reproduce this behavior with a standard WebGrid with lots of columns. So it depends on our implementation.
@Edit: The grid also contains bands
Do you have any idea what this behavior can cause, or any idea for me to abridge the possible error sources?The only way to provide you a sample would be to send you the serialized XML because I cant give sample datas until i know where the problem comes from...
Thanks for your help
Here is my Tabletag in the HTML;
<TABLE onmouseup="igtbl_tableMouseUp(event,'UG1');" class="" onmousemove="igtbl_tableMouseMove(event,'UG1');" id=UG1_main onresize="igtbl_onResize('UG1');" style="OVERFLOW: hidden; POSITION: relative" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
Is it possible to tell the grid to not use onmouseup or onmousemove or onresize?I dont need theese eventhandler, maybe they are causing problems...
Hello again
Im just trying to not scroll with the IE and let the grid scroll. So I have to set "style:overflow:scroll" to the ultrawebgrid.I did not see a responding property in display layout and the webgrid seems to not like style tags in the markup.
Can please somebody help me to apply this style to the grid (in Markup, or through Properties or whereever).