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How to keep value in ultragrid after postback.??

i have place ultrawebgrid inside updatepanel now on pressing button 1 i am filling it and then i change some of its cell values and press button 2 to save them but when i try to extract those updated values gets old values before updation 

can any one guide where is the problem????

  • 45049

    Are you re-binding your grid on a postback/callback, such as in the Page_Load event handler?  This is a common cause for changes to be lost.

    Are you persisting your changes in some fashion?  If you're bound to a SqlDataSource or similar control, this should be handling the persistence for you; otherwise, you may need to handle grid events to store any changes (possibly using a way that will persist across postbacks/callbacks, depending on your setup), and commit those changes in your button click.

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