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Extra row is displayed in GridView.


We are evaluating the NetAdvantage for JSF 2008 Vol. 2 for the purpose to migrate the application from older version of Infragistics (NetAdvantage for JSF Vol1 2006). In one of the screens, we are using the grid to display the Alert Message for the end users, but the screen is displaying one extra empty row at end of the grid. It is working fine in older version of Infragistics (NetAdvantage for JSF Vol1 2006).

Code snippet is:

<h:form id="homepageform">
    <h:outputText id="warnmessage" value="#{HomePageBean.warningMessageOnLogin}" style="color: red;font-weight: bold;font-size:12.0pt"></h:outputText> 
<h:panelGroup styleClass="main"> 
<FONT FACE="verdana " color="black" size="2">Some text</FONT> <a href=""><font face="verdana" color="blue" size="2"></font></a>
<h:panelGroup styleClass="section" >
 <ig:gridView  dataSource="#{HomePageBean.fiveAlertMessageList}"  styleClass="igGrid myCssClass" style="width:100%" >
 <ig:column style="width:10%">
 <f:facet name="header">
   <h:outputLink value="dashboardallalertredirect.faces" target="_blank" rendered ="#{DATA_ROW.allAlertRender}">
   <h:outputText value="Show All" />
   <h:graphicImage value="../clarityweb/images/dashboard_alert_icon.gif" width='20px' height='20px'/>
 <ig:column style="width:80%">
 <f:facet name="header" >
         <h:outputText value="Alerts" style='font-size:10.0pt'/>
      <h:outputText value="#{DATA_ROW.messageWith150CharOnly}"  style="color: red;font-weight: bold;font:italic"/>
 <ig:column style="width:10%">
 <h:outputLink value="dashboardmorealertredirect.faces" target="_blank" rendered ="#{DATA_ROW.messageRender}">
   <f:param name="messageId" value="#{DATA_ROW.messageId}"/>
     <h:outputText  value="More"/>

 Please guide us on how to resolve the issue.


No Data
  • 1765

    Hi enfs, We are unable to reproduce this issue. Greatly appreciate if you could open a support request and provide us a sample application including JSP and sever side code. This would help us to reproduce, find the root cause and provide solution at the earliest.

    Thank you!
