Hello Sir
I m using IE 7 browser,ASP.NET 2005,Infragistic .NET 2007 VOL 3 CLR 2.0
I need to enabled or disabled WebDateChooser control using java script
I am using this function
function ButtonClick(id) { var radio = document.getElementsByName("<%=RadioButtonList1.ClientID%>"); var WebDateChooserTo = document.getElementById("WebDateChooserTo"); var WebDateChooserFrom = document.getElementById("WebDateChooserFrom");
if(radio[intSelected].value == 'Weekly') { // WebDateChooserFrom.disabled = false; WebDateChooserFrom.setEnabled(true); } }
As I read from forum I had apply both possiblities but ir give me error
Java Runtime Error:object doesnt support this property or method
If is any problem with setting then what actually setting to be set ?
I got the solution
just need to use object of the control
Hello Sonal,
I have the same issue, can you please share code for use the object to enable/disable the webdatechooser.